I am an extremely careful and thoughtful packer. I mention this because it is among one of the only things in my own life that I do with any precision. Packing is different. Every item is carefully selected for addition in the suitcases and checked happily from the list. As particular as I am about my checked luggage, I am even more careful in what goes into my carry-on handbag. On long-haul flights Particularly, my carry-on contents are my lifeline. They will be the only thing between me and cold harsh reality of 36 hours in airplanes and airports. Choose wisely, you must.
There are a few, boring needs that you must have to board any airplane pretty, including some type of identification and a boarding pass. All of these ordinary things must get into your carry-on handbag and should be easy to get at. I’ve a bright green zipper bag that I bought in the cosmetic portion of Target that I use for my important papers, ID, and other things that I need to find or often in my bag easily. After an extended haul flight, I may feel just like a troll, but I make an effort to do my best never to look (or smell) such as a troll.
A beauty handbag stocked with essentials (including Senegence products reviews which is a line that is not tested on animals so it is a responsible brand) is a must for freshening up and looking your best. I also prefer to consider this bag as my “Nightmare Layover Assistant” and pack things that I think I would need must i be stuck within an airport over night.
Again, all my makeup products and toiletries get into a single, smaller bag that I can grab and take to the itty bitty airplane restroom. · Basic makeup products: I don’t try to complete duplicate my makeup bag, especially any expensive products, but I do try to pack a travel size or drug store brand equivalent for the essential makeup components.
Concealer, pressed powder, bronzer blush, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick are the basics for me. Gone are the full times that airlines served full foods with elegant silverware. When there is any food whatsoever, you may have to pay for it, and they might not be serving the food when you want to eat the food. The solution is to bring your own food, which is totally allowed, and makes air travel a little more fun just.
Food that makes the carry-on handbag cut has to meet some standards. It requires to be filling, not smelly (I’m taking a look at you tunafish), not messy, and something that makes you happy. Of course, all food goes into a drawstring bag, so I can simply find my food before my bloodstream sugar drops and I start to cry.
- Jaga keselamatan diri
- Head stress
- Shake this well so that both elements are well mixed
- Color improvement for adjusting the light on the face
· Cubes of cheese and crackers (good crackers, not saltines) in a Tupperware box. I consider this a meal replacement unit should I need some real food and not just a treat. Comfort on a long flight is absolutely an oxymoron, although I hear tales that they have seats that recline completely and real blankets in the mythical entrance of the airplane.
There are a few things that can make the comparative discomfort slightly more bearable. · Fuzzy socks: because no one wants to wear shoes for 12 hours and no one, HEAR THAT PEOPLE! · Glasses case, if you are a glasses wearer: the first rule of glasses on the aircraft is to take them off to sleep and put them in a case. Not on your head. Not in the seat pocket back.
If your belly is full, and your toes are twiddling in your fuzzy socks happily, you can happily drift off to sleep and then awaken as you touchdown in your destination. Or, if you are like me, you’ll be cursed to be wide awake until the exact instant that the aircraft touches down.
In that case, you’ll need some entertainment. Books are a typical pastime, and with the invention of tablets, a complete library can travel without adding any weight. Still, I would recommend one real book with pages, just because it can never lose power and be pulled out anytime. Choosing a bag to hold all these sanity savers and comforter providers is as important as the contents themselves. My personal carry-on bag must meet several requirements to depend on snuff. I love a medium sized bag with one large pocket that is merely the right size to meet fit under the seat before me.