I am a disabled makeup artist, beauty and lifestyle consultant. One of my goals is to help society reexamine current beauty standards, traditional beauty, while raising disability awareness and increasing access for transgender men and women transition more seamlessly. I really like helping people realize their own beauty that radiates from within and helping them express that outwardly in the way of their choosing. I am a dreamer and a thinker. Myers-Briggs has determined I am either ENFP or INFP, on the day depending.

I am with the capacity of extroversion but I favor intimacy to chaos. I am me, and I love that. I have worn many hats: INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL, Computer Science Major (no, I cannot program. National Guardsman, Open Source Advocate, Photographer, Digital and Makeup Artist, Doula, and Personal Assistant. I have a knack for dropping into interesting and creative professions.

There isn’t enough time in the day to do all the things I want to accomplish but I am developing a hell of a great time trying. Another happy title I wear is “Mom” to 4 kids ranging in age from High School to Kindergarten. We homeschool with an focus on science, art, and fun.

Since the development of the internet, I have been able to translate my love of makeup, my art background, computer history and my love of virtual worlds into an interesting endeavor. I spend my days making makeup products for Second Life. One display screen is open to Photoshop and as of late always, helping people in their transition periods.

It’s like saying something smart in a discussion as though you’d thought of it on the spur of the moment, when in truth you’d proved helpful it out your day before. Another much less subtle impact is brand. If you go to see the Mona Lisa, you’ll probably be disappointed, because it’s hidden behind a heavy glass wall structure and surrounded by a frenzied crowd capturing of themselves before it. At best you can see it the true way you visit a friend across the room at a packed party.

The Louvre may as well replace it with duplicate; no one can tell. And yet the Mona Lisa is a small, dark painting. For the average person, brand dominates all the factors in the judgement of artwork. Seeing a painting they acknowledge from reproductions is so overwhelming that their response to it as a painting is drowned out. And of course there will be the techniques people play on themselves. Most adults looking at art worry that if they don’t like what they’re likely to, they will be thought uncultured. This doesn’t just affect what they state to like; they actually make themselves like things they’re supposed to. That’s why you can’t simply take a vote.

  • Argan + Sil, Liquid Coal consists of PVP
  • Maple Syrup
  • Tested and Certified Organic
  • Lush Makeup products – Cruelty-Free

Though appeal to the people is a significant test, in practice you can’t measure it, just as you can’t find north utilizing a compass with a magnet sitting next to it. You will find sources of mistake so powerful that if you take a vote, all you’re measuring is the mistake. We are able to, however, approach our goal from another path, by using ourselves as guinea pigs. You’re human. If you want to know what the basic human a reaction to a bit of artwork would be, you can at least strategy that by getting rid of the resources of error is likely to judgements.

For example, while anyone’s reaction to a famous painting will be warped at first by its popularity, there are ways to diminish its effects. One is to come back to the painting again and again. After a couple of days the fame wears off, and you will start to view it as a painting.