Once you have your website name and web host, the next thing is to build your website. To create a website yourself some kind is needed by you of web building software. 1. From your web host Free. Some web hosts provide a web site builder that includes free hosting and email. This is the most suitable choice for beginners. All you need to do is go through the design you want and then add your text message.

It’s quite simple. As I talked about earlier, I recommend the website builders at Act Now Domains and iPower. They each are simple to use, make good looking sites and best of all are cheap really. I got a lot of questions on the actual building process so I created a step by step build a website tutorial for individuals to use. Simply click here to obtain it.

It makes the procedure really easy so it’s worth getting. If you wish to sell products on your site and accept credit cards, you shall need to sign up with an outside credit card processor for this. Be sure to check out my make money page for more information about the credit card processors so you don’t finish up buying a lot of stuff you do not need or going with a bad one.

2. From an outside vendor. There are a couple of different stand alone build a website software programs that you can purchase and use to build your website yourself. I DO NOT recommend stand website building programs for newbies by itself. The pros are you aren’t tied to your hosting company and they provide more versatility when compared to a web host’s builder.

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The disadvantages with stand alone site builders are they are really hard for some beginners to use, a couple is cost by them of hundred dollars & most sites built by beginners with them look really bad. IF YOU ARE BUILDING YOUR FIRST WEBSITE, I suggest you just go with the create a website software that comes with your web hosting account. It is a LOT easier, doesn’t cost quite definitely as soon as you get the hang up of developing a website then you can branch out to your own software program later.

Regardless of what software you use to build a website, there are some basic donts and dos you will need to keep in mind. It’s very easy to get overly enthusiastic on your first site and do stuff that send visitors away which is most definitely not what you want to do.

Do keep the web site simple. Don’t cram it filled with clutter. Unless it’s a how-to site such as this one, the less text message, the better. Do make it eyesight pleasing. No crazy fonts or colors. The standard fonts for internet sites are Arial, Verdana and Times New Roman. Whatever font you select, use it during your site.

This site is within Arial. Dont use a Flash introduction. Web designers love this and if a website is used by you builder they can be really fun to create, but most people click off as as they see it launching soon. The object is to get people to see your internet site, not drive them away. Dont put audio or music documents on your site.

It startles people when these are surfing and suddenly hear music blaring out. Their immediate reaction immediately is to back monitor. Dont put a lot of slow-loading graphics on your page. No matter how the graphics are pretty, people arent going to stick around and wait for these to load.

What this implies is that you download the image onto Net Mechanic’s web page and they’ll condense the size of the image for you, then enable you to pick the image you like from the results. Usually you can decrease the size by 50% or more without there being a noticeable change in quality. Do make sure visitors to your site can tell at a glance what your site is approximately.